Photo by: rocinante_11 on Unsplash


A front-end software engineer specializing in building & designing exceptional, high-quality websites and applications. As I continue this life-long journey of self-learning and mastering my craft, I hope to be shaped by the challenges and experiences coming my way

I am passionate in combining my technical knowledge and artistic creativity to build beautiful UIs, and continue expanding my knowledge in all things front-end.

In my free time, I enjoy photography, reading books, bike trails, traveling, hiking, and painting.


AI architect & interior designer using Nextjs, TypeScript, Tailwind, Firebase, Stripe, OpenAI.
A Nextjs remake of React Planner, a 2D-to-3D floor plan app using the latest Threejs r162
AI Writing Assistant using Nextjs, TypeScript, Tailwind, Firebase, Stripe, OpenAI
Netflix clone using Nextjs, Recoil, & TypeScript
Web app to visualize data regarding LUMA outages in Puerto Rico
Spotify app built with Nextjs and Spotify API
Spotify app built with Nextjs and Spotify API
A simple color picker app using Nextjs, React Colorful, & Colord


Original project by Sam Becker



HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ES6+), TypeScript, Sass

Libraries & Frameworks

React, Nextjs, Vue, Nuxtjs, NodeJS/Express, TailwindCSS, Styled Components, Framer Motion, Jest

Tools & Platform

Git, Github, Netlify, Vercel, Contentful, Linear, Firebase, Figma, Storybook


© 2024 | Kelvin Brito

Made with❤️with Next.js, Vercel, TypeScript, TailwindCSS

Inspired by Paco